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The Power of Accumulation
Let me start with my own experience with the power of accumulation. During one summer break, I took part in a data management internship. I was given an Excel sheet filled with rows and rows of addresses....
The Story of Nicole
The Story of Nicole
Let me tell you about the story of Nicole. Nicole is a stellar undergrad student. During her summer break, she decided to set up a programme to help children in a certain orphanage. Teaming up with her...
To En Suite or To Not En Suite
To En Suite or To Not En Suite
I am going to the UK for my university, and I am from South East Asia. I do not have any relatives or close friends who are currently residing in the UK, so for people like us, we will often opt for university...
Introducing My Blog
Introducing My Blog!
Happy June! Initially, I just wanted to post my ‘blog’ on my Facebook page. It was the easiest, hassle-free way: no need to create my own website and just let Facebook do all the magic behind the scenes. However,...