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My Take on Mental Health
My Take on Mental Health
It seems like when people think about mental health, the immediate first two terms that come to mind are depression and anxiety. This is not really our fault for doing so; somehow through social media...
My Inspiration For My Blog
My Inspiration For My Blog
I have mentioned before somewhere on my website that Ali Abdaal has inspired me to create this blog, and that I am doing this while waiting for my university days to begin, but I have also left out a detail...
I'll Do It Later
I'll Do This Later
Why do we put off the most important things to do? It is a common human nature that contributes to the stubborn problem of procrastination, and it appears that the more urgent or crucial the task which...
The High School Pyramid
The High School Pyramid
Today I met up with an old friend from high school. Since we have just graduated high school, it has actually only been weeks since we last met each other. Yet when we ask the typical first question...