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Moving Away From Home
Moving Away From Home
Four more weeks till I leave home to a foreign country. There is a certain melancholic feeling to it, and it gets more potent at night. The volume of this feeling amplifies when the skies are dark and...
Results Day
Results Day
For many around the globe and me myself included, today is results day. What’s done is done. All the hard work has already been put in. All our best efforts are splattered across the subjects. All our...
3:20 pm is a special time for me. While to many it is just another minute on a clock, it is a special moment for me. For seven years of my secondary education, it is the dismissal time of my school day. When...
Dopamine Detox Is It Just Hype
Dopamine Detox: Is It Just Hype?
In this increasingly fast paced world, where we are surrounded by screens, juggling between the real and virtual world, constantly handling two or more things at the same time, worrying about the past...
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