About Me

Nice To Meet You

I am a student who just finished highschool and is about to enter my university days in September 2023. My pseudonym is Blupaca, and I will be writing under this name in the future.

I was born and raised in South-East Asia for my whole life. However, I will soon be moving to the UK for my undergrad in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Since I have completed my final exams, I have a lot of extra time on my hands and thus I decided to check off one of the things that have been on my to-do list for a long time: starting a blog. This blog will be used to document my life, my thoughts and my feelings, all encapsulated into neatly written blog posts. It will certainly be fun to look back at all of these posts in the future, decades from now, and cringe at how teenage me views the world around him.

Upcoming Projects

How I am preparing for my uni life

Since I am about to embark on my uni journey soon, I will be documenting how I am currently preparing for university. It can range from me researching new equipment to get or learning how to cook simple one-pot meals that will definitely be useful for an independent university life.


I enjoy reading books and listening to podcasts, and I will be writing my reviews of these materials my consume. These can be a compilation of my thoughts and opinions, and how they have impacted my life.

My life! 

Yeah I will also document some of my thoughts and feelings from mundane daily encounters. It could be random shower thoughts or rants, giving you a glimpse of the view of the world through my eyes.