
3:20 pm is a special time for me.

While to many it is just another minute on a clock, it is a special moment for me. For seven years of my secondary education, it is the dismissal time of my school day.

When I first entered the school as a shy 11-year-old boy, I longed for 3:20 pm to arrive. I counted down the minutes to how much time is left until I can go home. Part of the reason is because I am considered a transfer student and an insecure, self-concious preteen who didn’t fit into the pre-existing friend groups of the school.

However, the thing about not fitting in is that you find other people who do not fit in too, and you start not fitting in together, forming a new social circle. This was really well put in one of Modern Family’s episodes.

Today, I graduated from that school, and 3:20pm has become a ghost of itself. It does not mean anything when it arrives, but it reminds me of a time, a journey I went through to become who I am today.

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